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  • Spiritual Practice

Evening Service | October 7 Commemoration (Hybrid)

Join us in the warmth of our sanctuary for a peaceful evening service, coming together as a community. Following the service, we will livestream the greater Boston community CJP sponsored event at the Wang Center. Cantor Zell, Rabbi Sisenwine, and several members of our community will be participating in the ceremony. Learn more here.

Please note that our most significant commemoration of October 7 will take place on the Jewish calendar, Simchat Torah, October 23 at 7:00 pm. This service will also mark the culmination of our communal art project that we will officially launch at Rosh Hashanah and complete for Simchat Torah. Learn more here.

Registration: This event is available in person and online. Registration is not required to join us in person. Click the purple bar above to register on Zoom and pre-registration is required.

